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Monday, October 12, 2009

omg, you won't believe it.
i'm like re-writing this post over and over again.
it's like i have so much to say,
but i just can't put it to words.
you know me, i've never been good with words.
never been great at expressing how i really feel.
so when i told you guys that night that you guys are really the best friends i've ever had.
i just want you to know that i really mean it, every word.
can't believe our time together is over.
to tell you the truth, i didn't expect it to come so soon.
when i'm with you guys, every moment together,
felt like forever, but, i still felt as if our time was limited.
you get what i mean? ha aha, i can't even explain myself.

heheh, for your sake, i'll blog in malay okay :P
ha aha, sorry ah beng, but till now, aku still tkleh berbual english ngn kau. melayu jgk yg best :D k. beng, thnks fr all the times kau bastard aku. all the times kau entertain aku ngn kau nye cerita-cerita seme. and thnks fr jst being yrself ah. funny/entertaining mostly :P hehehe, tpi srsly ah. aku tkleh imagine secondary school life without kau. confirm boring nye. thnks fr being akunye kwn setie fr four years now! i will miss everything about you~ kaunye 'nk mati nk mati, ely bunoh aku pls!' to kaunye more emotional side. don't worry okay, everything mesti okay nye in the end. OH, and good luck ngn *ahem. semoga kekal :) and hey, just fr the record, eventhough it seems like aku selalu bastard kau ngn dia, tpi aku srsly happy fr kau k. be happy :) and lastly, work hard fr 'o's okay! kite kn UNDERDOGS, hehehe, let's maju and not mundur anymre k :D

i know our friendship has had it's up and downs. but hey, no friendship is perfect. ha aha, eventhough we don't talk much (we don't right? ha aha, dk -.-), i think we're still okay? idk why, bt i thnk it's your bitchings that held up our friendship! heheh, joking lah! bt no, really. am really gna miss your bitchings, and when you bully me -.- gna miss the mature you! no one else more mature thn you i thnk. scary smtimes.. bt, hey, thts why you're my friend, no? ha aha, will miss the times when you bug me to study. eventhough zaf more scary, you also fierce. and, eventhough i get so irritated when you strt about DBSK and hero and all, i hve to admit tht i'll miss that too. thnk you mai, fr being my most concerned friend, fr cmfrting me when i'm down, fr forcing me to study -.- heheh, all the best fr your 'o's. cos i know yr working yr butt off, so hpe you achieve wht you want k :)

afiqahyuuuuuuu! where do i strt~! gna miss you so bad! yr high-pitched voice, yr selekehness (ha aha, smtimes even more thn me), yr laughter, yr lame jokes (at least you thnk they're jokes :P). hehehe, so many more~ thnk you fqh fr always being there fr me. fr always helping me, always lending me a listening ear whn i feel down. thnk you so much. i really couldn't ask fr more :) let's work hard together k. YISHUN JC? set ah! ha aha, fr a better future yeah? at least if we end up in the same jc, can see yr face fr another 2 years kn?! hehehe. i'll miss crapping with you, pretending like we heard each other when we didn't hear a thing. heheh, pat mat btul :P i'll miss you so much! OH, NT TO FRGT. you're the only person who is more babi thn me, and i thnk i mature-er thn you! :P

MOOONEY, heheh. pure ah. thnks fr always physically abusing me! yr the best man, a pro at it -.- ha aha, no lah. pure, gossip queen! i'd be so outdated without you! thnks fr always entertaining me with the latest frm, like, everywhere. heheh, without you kn, i thnk i'd be like a katak bawah tempurung yknw. heheh, oh! and i'll miss talking about guys with you, eventhough you hate my zac :( heheh, nvm, there's still tht guy frm tht chit chat of beautiful ladies show! heheh, thnks fr always entertaining me during melayu. without you, melayu boring~! really. heheh, and you and fizah make a good tag team at bullying me eh :P won't ever frgt you guys tau :) don't forget me k! cos i won't forget you.

there, tried my best at explaining myself -.-
i love you guys so much! you'd never hear tht frm me live,
bt hey, ths is good enough :D
i'm nt over graduation yet, and it's killing me!
ths overwhelming feeling of sadness.
still makes me cry every night.
cos, i know tht i'd be leaving behind you guys.
bt maybe, i'll get over ths soon.
strt to realise, tht ths isn't goodbye.
i miss you, i love you.

- cheebye/ely

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

copy + paste that link :http://s509.photobucket.com/albums/s340/maira8/
some photos aren't in here! ** so cheeeees, make yr way there and click at 16th Dec on the sidebar.

loads of (Y),
chee toot

Thursday, October 16, 2008

our first family photo. HAHA xD

hey cheeneneks. would firstly like to say how greatful i am to have you guys.
All these three years may have been rocky at times especially this year
but i am really glad we pulled through (!!)
I'm so lucky to have you guys by my side. the only ones who can accept me for i am
Being crazy & weird for no apparent reason,& times where other people don't understand me,u guys do :D
Really love you guys right now. cos' looking back, who would i be without you guys ?
can't wait for class chalet & upcoming outings !!
hahahaha yay ^^ exams are overrrr (:

Love, Chee Hong/Selah Hong !

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
haha. woooooooooooohoooooooooo, hari raye dah datang uhhhhhhhh.
and because my msgs over the top limit and cause i can't say much in sms(s). anyway, im so darn sorry for anything, any mistakes i did to you chees in the past year. i really am sorry. i know i might seem to not trust you four, but i think i can't trust you that well cause i feel that you don't trust me back. so im sorry if i ever made you guys feel like im a total bitch. i mean i am, but hey that's a habit i know i can't get rid of easily. (haha) so, anyway...im sorry for all the mistakes i made unintentionally or intentionally. i didn't mean to kaopei or ditch or be frank with you guys. but, i can't help it. but i still feel sorry yeaa. i miss being together but i know things change and we're still okay with each other. so i can't really complain too much. so, urm..not to end things off with an awkward tone...just know that i love you guys no matter what eventhough i might be someone else. (haha) and im still here for you guys. ^^V

peace, ciao. :D

and kite dah blh makan macam babi lagiiiiiiiii. :D

Sunday, September 28, 2008
HONG HERE. selamatz for EOYs after that can Raya!! Whoo :p
LOL bye.... -.-

Monday, September 15, 2008
BENGZ here :D (lol)
update laaa xD break promise seh

Friday, September 5, 2008
awww, u guys updated ^^
HAHA. i really feel like crying after reading man lol emoo.
esp chee bye's post.. :(
sighh. i miss you guys too.
& we never had a picture together !!! there's always someone missing out :(
let's hope nov or dec we can have more outings k. & harap harap class chalet nye duit tak mahal.
dengar dengar lima puluh dolar sihhh. tidak mengapa kami cakap balik.

kk, whole purpose of the post is... of cos' i miss you guys :(
my class damn boring lurhh seyy. lol abe aku mcm ketawa sendiri HAHA -.-

secondly, that time aku dengar syarahan. abe ustaz cakap tak payah tunggu hari raya utk mintak maaf. Ramadhan da boleh. LOL
so yahh.. aku nak minta maaf to all chee & to whoever's reading this.
aku tahu aku paling banyak dosa... sighhh esp to chee toot & chee bye.
sorry tau seriously yang sengaja dan tak sengaja. & aku rasa aku abnormal...
i don't think when i talk. & i let it out when i don't mean to.
& anger management problem. so don't take it to heart k.. sometimes i say things i don't mean & feel super guilty.. haha -.-
harap dapat di maafkan, kalau tak, tak mengapa.
aku da nak jadi alim.. HAHA. -.-

thirdly, happy studying !! haha. macam betul eh...
padahal sendiri belum blaja. LOL
& the song on the playlist is for u guys :D haha

klah klah. gtg better have outing soon k !!
LOL whoo. chee nenek roxxxx :)
oh yahhh. birthday chee toot's this monday. WHoo haha x)

sometimes i'm a selfish fake,you're always a true friend :)

boooooooooya. wahseh. semua da nak hidupkan alek blog ni?! (haha) aku join skali uh.

hm, okay. i've a few things to get off my chest here. sec 3 sucks when you have to study your ass off. (haha) i swear i miss being in mr lim class. atleast i won't be so bored and dozing off whenever maths starts. :( and i miss sitting next to pure. and miss seeing ely & yan getting highest fr 2/7. and miss afiqah fr her total blurness and super lame jokes. (no offence, haha) i miss you people. and it bothers me that we aren't that close anymore. (aw) but, seriously we aren't. i mean we all changed and made new friends but i totally feel like there's a wall. (haha) nobody talks anymore. kinda sad. it's like being ditch just because.

i mean i abso miss the time at the class chalet last year! esp at the beach. :D fun bodowwwwwww.

anyway, i swear i WILL kill anybody in the CHEE family who AREN'T going to 2/7 class chalet this year. :D

Y(chee toot)

HAHAHA!!.. CHEE BENG ke beng beng here ^^ (lol) -.-
this is the first time i logged in.. (should be!!),
cause me and ely that CHEEBYE!! is trying to revive this blog :D
today me and ely had hols lesson.. so ely kinda shared her sadness
and that this blog is dead,so izyan the kawan setie is helping her out..
HAHA CB for lifeszxss
i actually dont even know the PW or email (hehe)
ely wrote it ony my palm this morning.. so here i am!!
so lets blog cause i miss CHEEeeeken wing. lol >.<

ok anw, in school, me and ely shared about if we ever fell in love
with a guy which is from other races, during primary school..
but the main thing here is, both of us once liked an indian guy!!
gosh, this is so awesome girls.. its really UNBELIEVABLE.
we are multi racial.. yeh yeh,
we contributed to the singapore society !=.=
but the guy i once liked is PURE keling..
ely liked indian muslim as in keling study malay, LOL!!
like katak ? maybe katak's species.. hahaha
this is really pathetic manzss. just for laughs. (dont scold me ely)

besides that,
refering to ely's previous post, i am always wondering
why that cb keeps leaving spaces in between her paragraph
as in huge ones..
what is that for ? ELEPHANT TO READ?? haha jk.
and ely dont emo luh actually im one of them too
i always never join outings mainly cause i dont have cash
most of the time.. sorry guys.
sigh i think i spent my allowance too much on food..
but right now i started to save already..$4.10 only(sighs) so sad, awws
i never actually saved money before as in, in huge amounts..
i hope we could go out during dec holidays ?

in class me and ely like the only slackers.. (sigh) so true..
the other 3 malay girls in our calss always study wan..
semanagt mamatz! i really miss CHEE (haha)
well at least HONG is in the same MT class as me :)
so, STUDY HARD GIRLS!! sec 3 is really tough..
and seems like most of us are aiming for JC ? not me i think.. :(
dont have faith leh.. im getting dumber everyday and
complain complain complain onyyy..

anw! hah... who keeps posting my taik looking pics..
must be hongs.. always SABO me ! i so sad..
but most of the picas are funny :D xD
i laugh evertime i visit but i dont do it regularly..
you guys also right !!
please publish more pics okey..
i am going to go to y'all blog and
ask you to read this touching post by me ^^
haha, and someone puhleaseee change the right click words..
YAY CHEE!? haha yeh yeh.. lol ok la till here.
tata ~! muackzxs

with love, izyan CB, chee beng (Chio Bu) HAHA prasan!
jk luh, bye ;)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
ha aha, our blog is DEAD,
D-E-A-D, dead.
heh, nehmind, we can revive it all over again ;D
when there's a will there's a way right?
i dont have a current blog now,
so i guess, i might as well, just blog here.
ha aha, nehmind.
i don't think anyone gonna read,
rmbr? its dead.
syiok sendiri here ;DD
anyone care to join?
ok, so this is the real post;
idk what to say ah,
ntah, it's like we're different people now.
most of us always busy.
i have a feeling that that's most of the time me =.-
sorry ah, tried my best,
bt you guys knw what,
i'm a bloodaay goodaay two shoe-saay =.-
lol, ha aha, ntah lah,
i just kind of realize that i'm always the one nt gg the outings that you guys plan,
and i'm sorry really.

i'm just a little disappointed with some ppl,
cause sm ppl just dont keep promises.

rmbr always,

through thick and thin,
friends are the one who sing the song of your heart after you forgotten how it goes.

at least, thats how it's supposed to be ;D

if anythng goes wrong along the way,
i just hope that we'll all rmbr happier times,
where nth really used to matter, as long as we were having fun.

hang out soon,
been missing you guys always.

Monday, June 2, 2008
drug addicts.

say what? i hear a horse. xD

babat emo as usual

WHOO. go chee beng. HAHAHAHAHA
fake sia... lol! xD